Nordic Sport Australia Pty Ltd
Nordic Viking Discus
Lo Spin discus for competition and training. Sides made of ABS plastic and rim of sandblasted steel with graphite look for best grip, but within international rules. Designed with clear orange for good visibility both in the air and on the ground. The rim weight is about 75%.
1kg - WA certified no I-12-0606.
1.5kg - WA certified no I-03-0296.
1.75kg - WA certified no I-02-0288.
2kg - WA certified no I-12-0610.
Contact Details
Phone: (07) 55 407 803
Postal Address
Nordic Sport Australia PO Box 126 Labrador QLD 4215 AUSTRALIA
Warehouse Address
Nordic Sport Australia 30/8 Distribution Court Arundel QLD 4214 AUSTRALIA