Nordic Viking Steel Hurdle
Nordic Viking Steel Hurdle

Nordic Sport Australia Pty Ltd

Nordic Viking Steel Hurdle

Sale price$261.65
SKU: 1126502

Universal competition hurdle manufactured of aluminium and steel. The base weights are galvanized to make adjustment trouble free and easy. Height adjustment is controlled with safety spring locks. Adjustable heights 650, 686, 762, 838, 914, 991 and 1067mm. Topping weigh: 3,6kg (IAAF) and 2,7kg (UKA) build in. Hurdle crossbar made of plastic. World Athletics Certificate no E-16-0899.

Contact Details
Phone: (07) 55 407 803

Postal Address
Nordic Sport Australia PO Box 126 Labrador QLD 4215 AUSTRALIA

Warehouse Address
Nordic Sport Australia 30/8 Distribution Court Arundel QLD 4214 AUSTRALIA


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