Nordic Sport Australia Pty Ltd
Nordic Viking Javelin
Competition and training javelin. Recommended for throwers in need of a more forgiving implement. Made of Metal Alloy.
400g Flex 11.9
500g Flex 11.6 WA certified no I-12-0547.
600g Flex 11.1 WA certified no I-04-0306.
700g Flex 10.7 WA certified no I-04-0307.
800g Flex 10.4 WA certified no I-04-0308.
Contact Details
Phone: (07) 55 407 803
Postal Address
Nordic Sport Australia PO Box 126 Labrador QLD 4215 AUSTRALIA
Warehouse Address
Nordic Sport Australia 30/8 Distribution Court Arundel QLD 4214 AUSTRALIA