Trackball Firm
Trackball Firm

Nordic Sport Australia Pty Ltd

Trackball Firm

Sale price$39.99

Alleviate back and neck soreness and reduce your chance of recurring pain. Also work on both sides of your bicep, tricep, deltoid, hamstring, quadricep or calf muscle for an efficient massage (bilateral symmetry).

Using your body weight, the Track Ball lets you perform self-myofascial release (SMR) to stimulate the stretch reflex in muscles and break up soft tissue adhesions (fascia) responsible for tension and stiffness.

SPINAL HEALTH: Ergonomically designed to access the muscles surrounding the spine and respect the integrity of its anatomy by avoiding direct contact with bones.

Contact Details
Phone: (07) 55 407 803

Postal Address
Nordic Sport Australia PO Box 126 Labrador QLD 4215 AUSTRALIA

Warehouse Address
Nordic Sport Australia 30/8 Distribution Court Arundel QLD 4214 AUSTRALIA


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